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The Stinking Fish of Southampton

26th June 2025

19:30 - View all performance times

Holyrood Church , High Street

The Stinking Fish of Southampton

As Jane Austen wrote in 'Love and Freindship' (sic) "Beware of the insipid vanities and idle dissipations of the metropolis of England: Beware of the unmeaning luxuries of Bath and of the stinking fish of Southampton" Join Mrs Austen as she introduces you to her friends, neighbours, acquaintances and potential husbands for her unmarried daughters, as you visit the site of the Austen's home, the Assembly Rooms, Bathing Establishments, drinking dens, and meet wealthy merchants, army deserters, famous actors, debtors and dashing naval officers.

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26 Jun 2025 - 19:30 Standard - Min: £9.00 Book Tickets
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